Social-health spectrum

Social-Health Spectrum is a scientific - professional web magazine, whose editors are the College of Health and Social Work St.. Elizabeth, n.o., Diabetes Association of Slovakia and Association of Clinical Social Workers ( The magazine was founded in 2012 on the initiative of the students of social work and health professions, teachers and colleagues in practice - it is therefore primarily intended for them. Publishes articles in the field of social work, psychology, pedagogy, law scientists, public health, nursing, laboratory investigation methods, medicine, radiology, missionary and charitable services, diabetology and other related fields. The magazine is publishing on minimally 2 times per year in electronically and printing forms. The contents are mainly scientific articles published in Slovak, Czech and English. Each article goes through expert reviews of the field. The base emphasis is on linking theory and practice in the spirit of "practice without theory is blind and theory without experience is mere intellectual play.". We are focused on the social and health problems of clients, methods of working with them, their justification and risks. Important for us are good practices of social and health workers in Slovakia and abroad, their focus on experience, education and supervision. What magazine has to offer? - Current information about significant events in the field of social work and health. - Interesting observations, interviews and reviews. - A useful study and specialist articles. - Examples of good practice. - Scientific studies and research outcomes.
Published bySt. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Work
Year publication2015Frequency (Publish per Year)12
ISSN (print)1339-1577ISSN (online)1339-2379
Journal disciplineSocial SciencesFull text languageSlovak
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefVladimir Krcmery
Abbreviated Name—CountrySlovakia
Journal is indexed byCopernicus, International Scientific Indexing, General Impact Factor, ISRA JIF, CiteFactor, INFOBASE INDEX, KINDCONGRESS, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC10 Jan 2023
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