Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences Review

Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences Review (PJSSR)is a double-blind peer-reviewed Biannually published research Journal. PJSSR is predominantly concerned to publish research to national and international significance in various domains of Social Sciences. The research articles published in PJSSR replicate the interest of linguistic and literary research, which may be region or country-specific. PJSSR intends to highlight the contemporary and burning issues in the domain of linguistics and literature. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences Review (PJSSR) is an open-access Biannually journal which is being published recurrently since 2022.PJSSR calls research papers in various domains of Social Sciences. It intends to publish research work that delivers sound and clear theoretical discernments with practical inferences. PJSSR does not publish the researches which do not fall in the Scope of The Journal.
Published byIrham Research and Education Center
Year publication2022Frequency (Publish per Year)2
ISSN (print)2959-8044ISSN (online)2959-8052
Journal disciplineMultidisciplinary SciencesFull text languageEnglish
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefAsghar Kamal
Abbreviated NameCountryPakistan
Journal is indexed by, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC10 Jun 2023
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