Advances in Applied Science Research

The primary mission of the Advances in Applied Science Research is to become the premier source of high quality research from whole of the world. All authors not only receive fast and comprehensive peer-review but also the article promotion to researchers working in the same field. Advances in Applied Science Research is peer-reviewed and is published in electronic version. The language of the Advances in Applied Science Research is English. Advances in Applied Science Research publishes research and review articles, rapid and short communication in entire aspects of the Applied Sciences with strong emphasis on originality and scientific quality. The editors welcome articles in this multidisciplinary field as Agricultural Sciences Chemical Engineering Industrial Engineering Animal & Veterinary Sciences Chemistry Law Applied Biology Civil Engineering Machine Learning Applied Chemistry Clinical Sciences Machinery Applied Mathematics Commerce Marine Sciences Applied Physics Communication & IT Marine Technology Astronology Computer Databases & Software Mathematics Atmospheric Sciences Computer Science Mechanical Engineering Automatic Control Electronic Engineering Medical Sciences Automotive Engineering Energy Resources & Research Medical Technology Biodiversity Environmental Engineering Medicine Research Biological Sciences Environmental Sciences Metallurgy Biomedical Materials Fire & Fire Prevention Mineralogy Biotechnology Food & Food Industry Mining Engineering Business & Economics Geology Neural Networks Business Administration Industrial Arts Nuclear Engineering Textile Industry & Fabrics Waste Management
Year publication2010Frequency (Publish per Year)6
ISSN (print)-ISSN (online)0976-8610
Journal disciplineMultidisciplinary SciencesFull text languageEnglish
Editor in ChiefProf. Mohamad Ali Hassouba
Abbreviated NameAdv Appl Sci ResCountryEgypt
Journal is indexed byCAS, Ebsco, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC18 May 2020
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