International Materials Science and Engineering Congress – MSE 2024


On behalf of the scientific committee and the German Materials Society (DGM), we are honored to welcome you to the International Materials Science and Engineering Congress – MSE 2024. Held in Darmstadt, Germany on September 24-26, 2024, this congress stands as a testament to the boundless potential and collaboration within the realm of materials science and engineering.

MSE, organized by DGM, holds the distinction of being one of Europe’s premier event in Material Science and Engineering. Organized biannually, it’s more than just a convention – it’s a celebration of innovation and inspiration. With typically over 1,200 participants from worldwide origins, this year is particularly special as we have Sweden, a beacon in materials science, as our guest country.

From plenary talks by visionaries, enlightening highlight lectures, to engaging poster sessions and the much-anticipated and legendary MSE party, there’s something for everyone. As we delve into these exciting sessions, both in person and virtually, we invite you to seize this opportunity to connect, share, and collectively sculpt the future of materials.

Important Dates
Abstract Submission Closes30/06/2024
Date formats: d/m/y
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