Innovation and Software

Scientific journal with peer review by academic peers specialized in Computer Science and Informatics. It is published by La Salle University in Arequipa, every six months and accepts the paper's submissions of items throughout the year. Its contents are distributed free of charge according to the philosophy of the Open Access to Information Movement. ISSN: 2708-0927. ISSN-e: 2708-0935.
Published byLa Salle University
Year publication2020Frequency (Publish per Year)2
ISSN (print)2708-0927ISSN (online)2708-0935
Journal disciplineComputer ScienceFull text languageSpanish, English
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefYasiel Pérez Vera
Abbreviated NameINNOSOFTCountryPeru
Journal is indexed byBASE, OpenAIRE, CiteFactor, EuroPub, ResearchBib, KINDCONGRESS, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC04 Mar 2023
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