V Mire Nauchnykh Otkrytii [In the World of Scientific Discoveries]

V Mire Nauchnykh Otkrytii [In the World of Scientific Discoveries] is a periodical highlighting the topical issues of modern natural and technical sciences and humanities. The journal publishes results of basic and applied research of Russian and international scholars. The journal was included in Abstract journal and in Data bases of All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical Information. Information about the journal issues is presented in the RISATI RAS catalogue and accessible online on the Electronic Scientific Library site in full format, in order to create Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). The journal has got a RSCI impact-factor (IF RSCI). Information about the journal is published yearly in the international periodicals and proceeding editions help system “Ulrich's Periodicals directory” in order to inform the world scientific community; indexed in EBSCO. Journal DOI: 10.12731/2072-0831
Published byIzdatelstvo Nauchno-innovatsionnogo tsentra [Publishing House Science and Innovation Center]
Year publication2008Frequency (Publish per Year)12
ISSN (print)2072-0831ISSN (online)2307-9428
Journal disciplineMultidisciplinary SciencesFull text languageEnglish, Russian
Journal Websitehttp://nkras.ru/vmno/
Editor in ChiefYan Maximov
Abbreviated Name-CountryRussian Federation
Journal is indexed by-, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC12 Jul 2020
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