Motus in verbo

“Journal” is entitled “Motus in verbo” (Motion in a Word). That symbolic title links physical and mental development transformed into scientific output and implies professional dynamics and progress. The Journal includes original theoretical studies, theoretical and empirical studies, research results and their implementation into practice as well as reviews of monographs. Published papers cover the fields of ethics, ethnology, philosophy, history, culturology, linguistics, literary science, translatology, sport studies and didactics. The two basic sections of the Journal are Studies and Varia. The opportunity to publish in the Journal is offered to all students, doctoral students, postdoctoral scholars (no more than five years after PhD.), scientists/researchers and specialists in scientific, educational and cultural institutions whose topics match our Journal’s thematic focus and follow our Journal‘s By-laws and the structure of its appendices. The studies sections are divided into the following sub-sections: Ethics, Ethnology, Philosophy, Historical Science, Cultural Studies, Linguistics, Literary Science, Didactics, Translatology, Sport Studies.
Published byFaculty of Arts Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
Year publication2012Frequency (Publish per Year)2
ISSN (print)-ISSN (online)1339-0392
Journal disciplineHumanitiesFull text languageSlovak, Czech, English, German, Russian, French, Spanish, Italian, Hungarian, Polish
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefMartina Kubealakova
Abbreviated Name-CountrySlovakia
Journal is indexed byERIHPLUS, INDEX COPERNICUS, EBSCO (agreement), KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC22 Jul 2020
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