Marx e o Marxismo – Revista do NIEP Marx

The journal is a Marxist publication, open to all fields of knowledge and theoretical thought. It is the main publication of NIEP-Marx, which is an interdisciplinary group formed upon the principles of theoretical and analytical rigor and frank debate between researchers. It understands that the critical materialist tradition of Marxism, with its revolutionary and subversive ontological orientation, has always been open to polemic and debate, while demanding theoretical integrity, coherence in the empirical analyses, and relevance in confronting capitalism.
Published byNIEP-Marx
Year publication2013Frequency (Publish per Year)2
ISSN (print)-ISSN (online)2318-9657
Journal disciplineSocial SciencesFull text languagePortuguese
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefPaulo Henrique Furtado de Araújo
Abbreviated NameMarx e o MarxismoCountryBrazil
Journal is indexed by-, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC18 Jul 2020
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