International Education Studies

International Education Studies (IES) is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal indexed by AcademicKeys, Academic Journals Database, BASE, CNKI, ERA, ERIC, Google Scholar, JournalTOCs, Lockss, MIAR, Open J-Gate, PKP Open Archives Harvester, ResearchGate, Ulrich's, Universe Digital Library and other databases. This journal is published monthly by the Canadian Center of Science and Education in both print and online versions. The online version is free to access and download. The journal publishes original research papers, case reports, and review articles. Publication includes the following topics: • Education method, education policy and education development; • Educational technology and educational psychology; • Special education and cross-cultural education; • Educational leadership, educational administration and educational evaluation; • Training, teaching and learning. • Language education.
Published byCanadian Center of Science and Education
Year publication2008Frequency (Publish per Year)12
ISSN (print)1913-9020ISSN (online)1913-9039
Journal disciplinePedagogical SciencesFull text languageEnglish
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefHeather Fehring
Abbreviated NameIESCountryCanada
Journal is indexed byBASE, Educational Research Abstracts (Taylor & Francis), Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA), Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), Ulrich's, KINDCONGRESS, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC04 Mar 2023
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