Informe GEPEC

Semiannual Journal on regional development and agribusiness, the Informe GEPEC is a open Journal. The Informe GEPEC Journal publishes texts in the area of regional development, regional planning, territorial development, agribusiness, rural development and urban development. It has been edited since 1996 by: Postgraduate Program in Regional Development and Agribusiness (Master and Doctorate), Postgraduate Program in Economics (Master's Degree), Research Group on Regional Development and Agribusiness and Collegiate of Economics at the Center for Social Sciences of Western Paraná State University (UNIOESTE) at Toledo City in Brazil.
Published byEdUnioeste by Western Parana State University
Year publication1996Frequency (Publish per Year)2
ISSN (print)1676-0670ISSN (online)1679-415X
Journal disciplineMultidisciplinary SciencesFull text languageportuguese, english, spanish
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefJandir Ferrera de Lima
Abbreviated NameIGEPECCountryBrazil
Journal is indexed byABI/INFORM, CAB Abstracts, Veterinary Science Database,, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC01 Mar 2023
  1. Jandir

    Excellent magazine. Lots of indexers. Publishes texts in the areas of regional development, rural development and territorial development.

  2. Edson Trajano Vieira

    Parabéns pelo excelente trabalho Jandir e equipe da Unioeste. Excelente Revista com muito artigos usados pelos nossos alunos dos mestrados em Desenvolvimento Regional da Universidade de Taubaté.

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