Boletim de Pesquisa NELIC

Boletim de Pesquisa NELIC is a vehicle for academic works of national and international researchers of contemporary literature and culture, notably on the Brazilian and Latin-american spaces.
Published byPortal de Periódicos UFSC
Year publication1997Frequency (Publish per Year)2
ISSN (print)1518-7284ISSN (online)1984-784X
Journal disciplineHumanitiesFull text languagePortuguese, English, Spanish, French
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefMaria Lúcia de Barros Camargo
Abbreviated Name-CountryBrazil
Journal is indexed byMLA, ERIH PLUS, EZB, Latindex, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC30 May 2020
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