Audit Financiar

Audit Financiar Journal is published by the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania, beginning with 2003, without any interruption until the present time. During this period, the journal gained notoriety within the accounting profession, in general, and the financial audit profession in particular, as well as in the academic environment. The journal published a series of papers developed by authors from the academic environment in Romania and from abroad, but also articles written by professional practitioners and articles of young researchers, on subjects comprising fields such as financial audit, accounting, finance, management and law. Starting with the first issue published in 2015, the journal is edited in bilingual version (Romanian/ English) and its electronic version is uploaded entirely on the journal’s website.
Published byChamber of Financial Auditors of Romania
Year publication2003Frequency (Publish per Year)1
ISSN (print)1583-5812ISSN (online)1844-8801
Journal disciplineEconomic SciencesFull text languageRomanian, English
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefMadalina Dumitru
Abbreviated Name-CountryRomania
Journal is indexed byCabell's, EBSCO, ProQuest, RePEc, Ulrich's, ERIH PLUS, Global Impact Factor, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC27 May 2020
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