Alexandria Science Exchange Journal

ALEXANDRIASCIENCE EXCHANGE JOURNAL: an international Journal of Science and Agricultural Environments (ISSN 1110 - 0176) is published quarterly by Prof. Balba Soc. for Soil and Water Research (A Scientific Society supported by the Acadamy of Scientific Research and Technology and Registered under No.734, 1981 according to the law No.32, 1964). Editorial Policy: ALEXANDRIA SCIENCE EXCHANGE JOURNAL publishes original research papers in the field of Science and Agricultural Environments. Papers of good quality are invited from any country. They should show how research has helped towards the understanding or solution of problems. Some issues of the Journal are devoted to specific themes. We welcome suggestions for future issues and also offers to compile issues on particular themes.
Published byprof.Balba Society for Soil and Water Research
Year publication1980Frequency (Publish per Year)4
ISSN (print)1110-0176ISSN (online)1110-0175
Journal disciplineAgricultural SciencesFull text languageEnglish and Arabic
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefProf.Dr.Elsayed A.Elkhatib
Abbreviated NameASEJCountryEgypt
Journal is indexed byChemical Abstract; C A B Abstracts; Chemical Industry Notes; Chemical Titles ; STEB (S&T Egypt. Bibl. Database) ; Food Science and Technology Abstracts (FSTA).Biological Abstracts, EBESCO,(LISTA), biological Abstract, Horticultural Science abstract, Crop abstract, Scientific information data base, Animal production data base, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC21 May 2020
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