Abbottabad University Journal of Business and Management Sciences

Abbottabad-University-Journal-of-Business-and-Management-SciencesAbbottabad University Journal of Business and Management Sciences is a peer-reviewed journal published by Abbottabad University of Science and Technology. The aim of the journal is to publish the latest research related to the field of management, business administration, marketing, finance, entrepreneurship, and so on. AUJBMS invites contributions from researchers, scholars, and academicians in the area of Business and Management. The Journal is Under process to get indexed in reputed agencies.
Published byDepartment of Management Sciences, AUST
Year publication2023Frequency (Publish per Year)2
ISSN (print)3007-2395ISSN (online)3007-2409
Journal disciplineBiological SciencesFull text languageEnglish
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefDr Muhammad Muddassar Khan
Abbreviated NameCountryPakistan
Journal is indexed by, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC06 May 2024
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