Breast Cancer

November 18, 2024
We are glad to announce our International Conference on Women’s Health and Breast Cancer (Women’s Health 2024) Organized by Prezentis which is to be held on November 18-19, 2024 at Holiday Inn Express Dubai Airport in Dubai, UAE and the...
November 28, 2024
We are excited to invite researchers, therapists, healthcare professionals, and cancer science enthusiasts worldwide to the “2nd World Conference on Breast Cancer and Cancer Research (Breast Cancer Congress 2024)“. Happening on November 28-29, 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand this forum explores...
March 25, 2025
It is a great pleasure to welcome the International Experts Summit on Women Health & Breast Cancer during March 25-27, 2025, at Dubai, UAE. The WomenHealth Summit-2025 is a vital platform for exchanging recent achievements and discussing future facilities in...