Vaccine Innovation Forum 2024 (VIF)


Vaccine Innovation International Forum (VIF) to be held on March 21-22, 2024 in Shanghai, China aims to bring together experts, researchers, policymakers, andindustry leaders from around the world to collaborate and advance the field of vaccine development and immunization. Vaccines have played a crucial role in preventing and controlling infectious diseases, and they continue to be instrumental in safeguarding global public health. China, with its significant contributions tovaccine research, development, and production, serves as an ideal host for this prestigious event.

Vaccines of Future:Advancing Global Health

As the world faces emerging infectious threats and ongoing health challenges, it is crucial to foster international cooperation and knowledge exchange in the realmof vaccine development. This conference will serve as a platform to share cutting-edge research findings, discuss innovative vaccine technologies,address global immunization gaps, and promote equitable vaccine distribution.


Scientific Sessions

Novel Vaccine Innovation:

nfectious diseases
RNA Technology
Bacterial vaccines
Veterinary Vaccines
Cancer Vaccines & Immunotherapies
Bioprocessing & Manufacturing
Clinical Trial/Vaccine Safety
Market Access/Regulatory/International Partnership
Adjuvant, Formulation, and Delivery Technologies

Important Dates
Date formats: d/m/y
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