4th Edition of International Conference on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (TERMC 2024)


Magnus Group is delighted to extend a warm invitation to the “4th Edition of International Conference on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine” (TERMC 2024), scheduled to take place in Madrid, Spain, with the added convenience of virtual attendance during September 02-04, 2024.

This innovative hybrid format allows participants to engage either in-person in Madrid or virtually from the comfort of their homes or workplaces.

The conference will center around the theme “From Cells to Solutions: Advancements in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Therapies

Scientific Sessions

1.2D and 3D Tissue Growth
4.Bioartificial Organs
8.Gene Therapy
9.Applications of Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine
10.Bioactive Agents & Differentiation Agents
11.Carrier Systems
12.Cell Biology & Biophysics
13.Cell Culture
14.Cell Encapsulation
15.Cell Seeding, Adhesion and Proliferation
16.Cell-Based Therapies
17.Engineered Tissue Implantation
18.Clinical Trials
19.Constructs & Surface Modification Technologies
20.Derivation and Maintenance of New Stem Cell Lines
21.Engineering Bone Regrowth
22.Ex Vivo And In Vivo Implantation
23.In Vitro & In Vivo Approaches
24.Mechanical Conditioning of Engineered Tissues
25.Models of Regeneration
26.Nanotechnology in Tissue Engineering
27.Non-Invasive Approaches
28.Organ and Tissue Target of Regeneration
29.Organ Fabrication
30.Physiological Properties of Engineered Tissues
31.Preclinical, Clinical and Animal Models
32.Regulatory and Ethical Frameworks
33.Release of Drugs & Growth Factors
34.Repair, Replacement & Regeneration
35.Scaffolds Materials and Synthesis
36.Smart Materials and Biomaterials Science
37.Stem and Progenitor Cells
38.Therapeutic Strategies
39.Translational Medicine
41.Next Generation Approach
42.Immunology and Immunotherapy
43.Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials

Important Dates
Abstract Submission Opens01/01/2024
Abstract Submission Deadline21/08/2024
Abstract Submission Closes01/09/2024
Registration Opens01/01/2024
Registration Deadline21/08/2024
Registration Closes01/09/2024
on spot registration02/09/2024
Date formats: d/m/y
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