7th International Conference on Dermatology, Cosmetology and Plastic Surgery (Dermatology Summit 2024)

We invite you to “7th International Conference on Dermatology, Cosmetology and Plastic Surgery (Dermatology Summit 2024)” booked during August 24-25, 2024 at Paris, France with a theme of “A Healthy Skin Assures Hearty Smile”. DERMATOLOGY SUMMIT 2024 is an exceptional occasion which unites an extraordinary and worldwide blend of huge and medium organizations/businesses, driving colleges and exploration foundations making the gathering an ideal stage to share insight, cultivate joint efforts across industry and the scholarly community, and assess arising advances across the globe.
Scientific Sessions

Genetic skin disorders
Psych dermatology
Aesthetic Procedures
New techniques in aesthetic dermatology and cosmetology
Cosmetic Dermatology
Recent trends in surgical dermatology
Skin Biopsy
Nano technologic advancement in treating skin diseases
Dermatological Diseases
Cosmetology and skin care
Plastic and Reconstructive surgery
Skin cancer and Mohs Surgery
Skin-Toxico Pharmacology
Pediatric Dermatology
Pro Aging Products
Skin Rejuvenation and Facial Rejuvenation
Veterinary Dermatology

Important Dates
Abstract Submission Opens07/12/2023
Registration Opens07/12/2023
Date formats: d/m/y
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