2nd Edition of Euro-Global Climate Change Conference (EGCCC 2023)


Magnus Group is pleased to welcome you to join the forthcoming “2nd Edition of Euro-Global Climate Change Conference (EGCCC 2023)” which is scheduled as an Online Event during September 21-23, 2023.

EGCCC 2023 is scheduled in Virtual Format. We believe that our decision will enable broad participation. This year the global congress will emphasize on the theme “TACCTT: Tackling Aggravated Climatic Challenges Through Technology

Scientific Sessions

1. Adaptation to Climate Change
2. Advanced Statistical Tools and Methods in Climate Change
3. Atmospheric and Marine Sciences
4. Carbon Emission
5. Cryospheric Science
6. Climatological Disasters
7. Geology and Earth Sciences
8. Environmental and Resource Science
9. Climate Ethics
10. Forecasting
11. Human Health
12. Hydrology and Limnology
13. Mitigation
14. Natural Variability
15. Numerical Methods in Climate Research
16. Oceanography
17. Ozone Layer
18. Palaeoclimate Analysis and Interpretation
19. Policy and Governance
20. Pollution & Climate Change
21. Remote Sensing & Geoinformatics
22. Renewable Energy
23. Sustainability and Development
24. Volcanology
25. Climate Finance
26. Climate Technology
27. Adaptation and Resilience
28. Artificial Intelligence
29. Global Warming
30. Climatology
31. Climate Change, Land Use, Ecosystem Function and Services
32. Climate Change Communication
33. Meterology
34. Green Technology and Climate Change Impact
35. Water Resources Systems
36. Negative Emission Technologies
37. Climate Engineering

Important Dates
Abstract Submission Opens21/09/2023
Abstract Submission Deadline23/09/2023
Abstract Submission Closes22/08/2023
Registration Opens12/09/2023
Registration Deadline23/09/2023
Date formats: d/m/y
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