Electronic Journal in Management, Education, and Technology Environmental

The Electronic Journal in Management, Education, and Technology Environmental aims to divulgate scientific papers of Graduation and Post-Graduation papers (Latu and Strictu Senso) inserted in the thematic lines of Environmental Management, Education and Technology. Furthermore, the journal displays on its website scientific papers attached to Learning, Research and Extension which fit in the abovementioned thematic lines. The Journal also publishes original articles, reviews, updates, case studies, experience reports, abstracts, summaries of thesis and dissertations with special emphasis in their originality e scientific relevance. It is a publication with a quarterly periodicity and it consists of a volume per year with three issues. The journal publishes original articles, reviews, updates, case studies, experience reports, abstracts, summaries of thesis and dissertations with special emphasis in their originality e scientific relevance. We will accept original papers sent exclusively to our journal. This will contribute to the growth and development of scientific productions towards Environmental Management, Education and Technology. We accept papers in Portuguese, English and Spanish. We will not accept further alterations once the papers was submitted. The opinions and concepts given by the authors are their exclusive responsability and do not reflect the editorial board council's opinion. The researches that involve human beings must shpw in the body of the article the following of the CNS 196/96 Resolution for studies of nature. They also must indicate the protocol released for approval by the Ethic Committee, recognized by CONEPE. This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a filing system distributed amongst libraries and it allows them to create permanent files of the journal to preservation and restoration.
Published byFederal University of Santa Maria (UFSM-http://www.ufsm.br)
Year publication2010Frequency (Publish per Year)3
ISSN (print)-ISSN (online)2236-1170
Journal disciplineEarth and Related environmental SciencesFull text languagePortuguese, English
Journal Websitehttp://www.ufsm.br/reget
Editor in ChiefMarcelo Barcellos da Rosa
Abbreviated NameREGETCountryBrazil
Journal is indexed byDAIJ, Diadorim, ROAD, Open Access Articles, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC30 Jun 2020
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