Dialogia is a bi-annual scientific publication of the Master’s Degree Program in Management and Educational Practices (PROGEPE) that proposes to discuss and to become know the themes concerning educational practices and pedagogical thinking specially those that result from researches carried out within the post-graduation nationals and foreign stricto sensu programs. Their receivers are primarily teachers, researchers, students and all kinds of public that, directly or indirectly, keeps interested in educational issues.
Published byUniversidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE) - PPGE
Year publication2003Frequency (Publish per Year)2
ISSN (print)1677-1303ISSN (online)1983-9294
Journal disciplineSocial SciencesFull text languagePortuguese, Spanish, English
Journal Websitehttp://www4.uninove.br/ojs/index.php/dialogia
Editor in ChiefRose Rogero
Abbreviated Name-CountryBrazil
Journal is indexed byROAD, Latindex, IRESIE, ERIH-PLUS, EBSCO, CREDI-OEI, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC15 Jun 2020
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