The collection contains scientific articles on actual problems of jurisprudence: theory and history of state and law, constitutional and state construction, civil, labor, financial, economic, administrative, customs, environmental, criminal law, criminal and civil procedure, criminalistics, issues of combatting crime etc.
Published byYaroslav Mudryi National Law University
Year publication1976Frequency (Publish per Year)4
ISSN (print)2224-9281ISSN (online)2414-990X
Journal disciplineLegal SciencesFull text languageUkrainian, English, Russian
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefVasyl Tatsii
Abbreviated NameCountryUkraine
Journal is indexed byIndex Copernicus International, Google scholar, EBSCO, ResearchBib, CiteFactor, Science Impact Factor, Polska Bibliografia Naukowa, nformation Matrix for the Analysis of Journals, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC27 May 2020
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