Journal of Deep Sea and Coastal Research

Journal of Deep Sea and Coastal Research is a peer-reviewed publication dedicated to comprehension of the complex and dynamic ecosystems that comprise the deep sea and coastal regions. As the scientific community and society at large remain captivated by the world's oceans and coastal regions, our journal assumes a leading role in promoting comprehension, ingenuity, and cooperation in these crucial fields of study. In a time where understanding the complexities of our oceans and coastlines is of great importance, our journal takes on a prominent role in facilitating interdisciplinary dialogue and fostering partnerships that transcend traditional boundaries. The mysterious depths of the oceans and the dynamic interactions along coastal areas are of utmost importance, not only due to their inherent scientific intrigue, but also because of their significant impact on global climate patterns, biodiversity, resource management, and human sustenance.
Published byScitechseries Publishing Limited
Year publication2023Frequency (Publish per Year)12
ISSN (print)-ISSN (online)JDSCR
Journal disciplineBiological SciencesFull text languageEnglish
Journal Website
Editor in Chief-
Abbreviated NameJDSCRCountryUnited Kingdom
Journal is indexed byCrossref, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC03 Feb 2024
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