Xpertno International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research

Xpertno-International-Journal-of-Interdisciplinary-ResearchSituated at the forefront of academic exploration, the "Xpertno International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research" is a distinguished open-access publication that releases issues tri-annually. Employs a rigorous double-blind peer-review system to ensure integrity and impartiality in its processes. This journal is rooted in the belief that the future of research is inherently interdisciplinary and that the most transformative insights emerge within the convergence of diverse fields.
Published byExpert Novice Group
Year publication2023Frequency (Publish per Year)3
ISSN (print)-ISSN (online)3005-8457
Journal disciplineMultidisciplinary SciencesFull text languageEnglish
Journal Websitehttps://xijir.com/index.php/en/index
Editor in ChiefDr. Salma Razzaq
Abbreviated NameXIJIRCountryPakistan
Journal is indexed byPlease visit to see all indexing: https://xijir.com/index.php/en/indexing, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC07 Jan 2024
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