Vestnik Volgogradsko gogosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija 11: Estestvennye nauki

Mission of journal: to provide a platform for interaction and constructive dialogue in the field of the natural sciences on the basis of Volgograd State University as one of the innovative and the rapidly developing University in Southern Russia. Content type: Academic/scholarly publication. Description: In the journal includes original research articles in the field of biology, ecology, geography and psychology. General subject(s): Biology and Biotechnology, Ecology and Nature Management, Geography and Geoinformatics, Psychologyand Psychophysiology In this regard, analytical reviews and articles devoted new methods in the natural sciences and psychologyare particularly welcomed. Section of Biological Sciences presents articles on the description of the unique biodiversity and biological resources in different regions, their management, conservation and sustainable development of biological systems, including based on advanced biotechnologies. Sciences about the Earth currently represented research in the field of ecology, nature management, geography, cartography and geoinformatics. Section of Psychology is focused on the publication of research in social psychology and psychophysiology. The target group: researchers, post-graduate student.
Published byVolgograd State University
Year publication2011Frequency (Publish per Year)1
ISSN (print)2306-4153ISSN (online)-
Journal disciplineTechnologyFull text languageEnglish, Russian
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefNovochadov V.V.
Abbreviated Name-CountryRussian Federation
Journal is indexed by-, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC13 Jul 2020
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