Siberian Historical Research

“Siberian Historical Research” (SHR) has been initiated in 2013 (by that time as a biannual journal) by the Faculty of History of the Tomsk State University, Russia. Starting 2014, an updated version of the journal is published which presupposes not only its updated design but also the renewed composition of the Editorial Board, themes, genres and principles of selecting texts for publication, as well as frequency of issuance. The SHR aims to have and will facilitate a lively dialogue between representatives of different branches of the humanities-based knowledge. The journal publishes research for the most part based on Siberian – in the broadest sense of the term – materials. However, we do not limit ourselves to the region of Siberia and thus, papers of theoretical nature, based on extensive comparative materials, are also welcome. Siberia as a postcolonial, postimperial and postsocialist territory is a region of great interest allowing for the comparative analysis of past and current local processes and those taking place in the arctic and subarctic regions worldwide, on the African continent, in Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Asia Pacific region. We hope to become a platform for fresh bright research with the underlying comparative analysis of materials covering wider geographical areas. The journal publishes texts – research papers, overviews, and reviews – in Russian, however, the international Editorial Board accepts for consideration texts in main European languages and is ready to assist authors (for free) in case they are unable to ensure on their own high-quality translation of those into Russian. Starting 2014 the SHR journal appears quarterly with free online access at: The editorial board of SHR sees the main audience of the journal in academics, PhD students, students at bachelor and master levels, and in broader audience interested in Siberian history and culture(s) as well.
Published byPublishing House of the Tomsk State University
Year publication2013Frequency (Publish per Year)4
ISSN (print)2312-461XISSN (online)2312-4628
Journal disciplineHistorical Sciences and archaeologyFull text languageRussian
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefDmitri FUNK
Abbreviated NameCountryRussian Federation
Journal is indexed byRussian Science Citation Index (RINTS/, Index Copernicus, KINDCONGRESS, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC18 Jan 2023
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