Research Journal of Public Finance

Journal of Public Finance Researchs; is published three times in a year, March, July and November, is a peer-reviewed journal. Journal of Public Finance Researchs will be published for research and studies are removed to help ensure held about Public Finance, Financial Economy, Fiscal Policy, Fiscal Law, History of Finance, Government Budget, Government Debt, and economic issues relating to fiscal, social, legal, and administrative sciences. Journal of Public Finance Research is intended to help ensure that the negotiation and evaluation by research will be of scientific studies and environmental science, markets, and sharing by those concerned. Journal of Public Finance Research will be published in digital format on the internet.
Published byFURKAN BEŞEL
Year publication2015Frequency (Publish per Year)3
ISSN (print)2149-8377ISSN (online)2149-5203
Journal disciplineEconomic SciencesFull text languageEnglish, Turkish
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefTEMEL GÜRDAL
Abbreviated NameRJPFCountryTurkey
Journal is indexed byScientific Indexing Services, Academic Resource Index, Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, DAIJ, Journal Index, ASOS Indeks, Akademik Dizin ve Acarindex, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC23 May 2020
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