Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences

AIM and SCOPE Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences (PAJES) is a multidisciplinary journal that includes fundamental engineering areas. PAJES aims at disseminating recent advances in engineering and science to researchers, engineers and related readers. PAJES, in which both theoretical and experimental engineering studies take place, encourages the publication of the articles from challenging areas of engineering and concentrates on the publication of the interdisciplinary studies. HISTORY PAJES was first started to publish in 1995 and has continued its publication until these days without any interruptions. CURRENT PUBLICATION SCHEDULE PAJES is published as 6+1+1 issues per year. These issues are grouped as follows: - Issues 1 and 4: Group A (Mechanical Eng., Industrial Eng., Energy Systems Eng.) - Issues 2 and 5: Group B (Electrical and Electronics Eng., Computer Eng.) - Issues 3 and 6: Group C (Civil Eng., Environmental Eng., Geology Eng., Geophysics Eng.) - Issue 7: Group D (Textile Eng., Chemistry Eng., Food Eng.) - Issue 8: Special Issue (Optional, it is possible to publish more than one special issue per year.) PEER-REVIEW POLICY All the articles submitted to PAJES is reviewed at least 2 or 3 reviewers. During this evaluation, PAJES prefers to follow the “Double-Blind Review” which means both the reviewers and authors cannot see their information on the manuscript file. After completing review process, final decision is given by the Editor-in-Chief or the Vice Editor-in-Chiefs by considering the comments of the reviewers and the Section Editors. OPEN ACCESS POLICY All the content of PAJES is published as open access without requiring any subscription. MANUSCRIPT TYPES PAJES accepts the original “Research Articles” and “Reviews” in both Turkish and English. ETHICS RULES PAJES accepts only the original works which means the submission should be the product of a new solution approach or should provide a new viewpoint to an existing information. A submitted work must not be published in any other journal in any language and must not be under evaluation in any platform. All the works should be submitted by considering the “International Scientific Ethics Rules”. In this context, all the responsibility belongs to the authors and with submission of their work, they assume all the ethics rules provided above. DOI INFORMATION Each accepted work on PAJES gets a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number.
Published byPamukkale University
Year publication1995Frequency (Publish per Year)6
ISSN (print)1300-7009ISSN (online)2147-5881
Journal disciplineEngineering SciencesFull text languageTurkish, English
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefTamer KORALAY, PhD
Abbreviated NamePAJESCountryTurkey
Journal is indexed byEBSCO, WorldCat, Google Scholar, OAJI, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC21 May 2020
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