Novosti Khirurgii. Surgery

he journal "Novosti Khirurgii" is the forum for exchanging the scientific information in such fields as surgery, cardiosurgery, traumatology-orthopedics, neurosurgery, oncology, urology, anesthesiology and intensive care, transfusiology. Full-size original articles, reviews, descriptions of practical cases, information about scientific forums are published in the journal. Preference is given to scientific and practical works containing new results of clinical and experimental work in various areas of surgery. Particular attention is given to reports of clinical cases that merit the interest of international scientific medical community. The papers offering the innovative methods of treatment and new technological developments are published in the journal primarily. The journal also publishes the analytical materials of international congresses and conferences with summary of the most important information. The publication is free of charge. The commercial papers are not published in the journal. The journal is spread through the subscription and has international readers including Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Germany, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Israel and Bulgaria. The journal is included in the list of the scientific editions of the Republic of Belarus recommended for the publication of the main results of scientific activity. The papers published in the journal "Novosti Khirurgii" are equated with the ones included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications of Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, in which basic scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate or doctor of science should be published
Published byVitebsk State Medical University
Year publication1995Frequency (Publish per Year)6
ISSN (print)1993-7512ISSN (online)2305-0047
Journal disciplineMedical SciencesFull text languageRussian, English
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefKosinets, Alexandr N.
Abbreviated NameCountryBelarus
Journal is indexed byEBSCO; Ulrich's Periodicals Directoryâ„¢, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC19 May 2020
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