Merit Research Journal of Education and Review

Merit Research Journals of Education and Review (MRJER) (ISSN: 2350-2282), a purpose driven journal organization, was sprung into actions for two reasons: To publish excellent and unprecedented researches that are in line with the interest of our journals. Secondly, to create avenue for exploration, ravaging and manifestation of the world of knowledge, and to disseminate the articles freely for teaching and reference purposes, especially for researchers and teachers in developing nations. The establishment of this Journal, Merit Research Journals of Education and Review (MRJER) is an answer to the wishes and desires of many researchers and teachers in developing nations especially in Africa and Asia who lack free access to quality materials online. This Journal opts to bring panacea to this problem, and to encourage research development. Merit Research Journals of Education and Review (MRJER) aims at establishing a publishing house that is open to all. It aims to disseminate knowledge; provide a learned reference in the field; and establish channels of communication between academic and research experts, policy makers and executives in industry, commerce and investment institutions.
Published byMerit Research Journals
Year publication2012Frequency (Publish per Year)12
ISSN (print)2350-2282ISSN (online)-
Journal disciplineEconomic SciencesFull text languageEnglish
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefProfessor (Dr.) Badar Alam Iqbal
Abbreviated NameMRJERCountryNigeria
Journal is indexed byDirectory of Research Journals Indexing, EyeSource, Google Scholar and ResearchBib, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC20 Jul 2020
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