Journal of Frontier Studies

For the successful functioning of the magazine, we gathered a group of like-minded people from Russian and foreign scientists, who gladly agreed to participate in our project. We strive to ensure that our Journal would perform important research functions – communication and information, which will allow not only to accumulate new achievements in this field, but will also serve as the basis for new discoveries and insights. Given the fact that the original frontier theory was born in the U.S., we felt it necessary to provide our platform to scientists from different countries, thus the second equal language of our journal is English. And in the editorial Board of our magazine are actively involved not only Russian but also foreign scientists, or associated with the study of this problem. The journal is a periodical published twice a year; do not have the printed version. The journal publishes research articles, reviews, information resources, reports of expeditions, conferences and other scientific materials. Although preference is given to Humanities, however, the editors would welcome articles and scientific and natural character, in varying degrees of relevance to the scientific frontier, as, from our point of view, the frontier is not only a particular historical locus, but it is also a special cultural paradigm manifested in various areas of our life, a certain idea, which finds an echo in different fields of science and human existence. Our journal is a peer-reviewed publication, and all articles before publication are a subject to expert evaluation by leading scientists. However, this does not mean that an article has received criticisms clearly will not be published in our Journal. In some cases, we can publish it with certain reservations or editorial comments. We will try to provide a platform for various opinions and ideas. In addition, we believe that every scholar has the right to voice their own point of view, even if the editorial staff has a different opinion from the author.
Published byLimited Liability Company Scientific Industrial Enterprise “Genesis. Frontier. Science”
Year publication2016Frequency (Publish per Year)4
ISSN (print)-ISSN (online)2500-0225
Journal disciplineHistorical Sciences and archaeologyFull text languageRussian and English
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefSerguey N. Yakushenkov
Abbreviated NameJFSCountryRussian Federation
Journal is indexed byRSCI, Index Copernicus, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC13 Feb 2025
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