Glotodidactica Biannual Journal of Applied Linguistics

GBJAL publishes articles that focus on the mediation between expertise about language and experience of language which can express cultural values. The journal seeks to develop an awareness of the way language works, how it affects peoples' lives, and what interventions are desirable and feasible to make in differing domains of language use and learning. Articles in GBJAL should explicitly address the 'So what?' question: How do ideas, observations, results, suggestions presented in a paper relate to actual 'real world' problems involving language? How could or should what is discussed in a paper be followed up, or followed through, to practical proposals? Is there a convincing explicit connection between the disciplinary areas the author draws on and the domains where people engage with language? The journal thus conceives of applied linguistics as essentially being a process which seeks a negotiated settlement of language problems through the reconciliation of different and sometimes conflicting perspectives.
Published byPresa universitara balteana
Year publication2010Frequency (Publish per Year)2
ISSN (print)1857-0763ISSN (online)-
Journal disciplinePhilological SciencesFull text languageEnglish, French, German, Spanish
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefAngela Cosciug
Abbreviated NameGBJALCountryMoldova, Republic Of
Journal is indexed byEBSCO, IndexCopernicus, CiteFactor, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC08 Jul 2020
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