Forestry Ideas

Forestry Ideas is an international open access web based scientific journal issued by the University of Forestry in Sofia. It is a peer-reviewed journal publishes materials in the field of Forestry sciences, Landscape architecture, Ecology and environmental protection. The journal considers original manuscripts (regular paper, review, brief communication) that have not previously been published and not been submitted for publication elsewhere. No articles processing charge is applied.
Published byUniversity of Forestry, Sofia
Year publication1995Frequency (Publish per Year)2
ISSN (print)1314-3905ISSN (online)2603-2996
Journal disciplineAgricultural SciencesFull text languageEnglish
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefMilko Milev
Abbreviated Name-CountryBulgaria
Journal is indexed byCAB Abstracts, AGRIS, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC06 Jul 2020
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