
“Esculapio” was founded in 2005, and since then, it is being published regularly on quarterly basis.It is an official journal of Services Institute of Medical Sciences, Lahore. It is a free platform for publishing quality medical research, funded by SIMS. It is indexed & registered in “DOAJ” – Directory of Open Access Journals, IMEMR, WHO – (Index Medicus for Eastern Mediterranean Region, World Health Organization), Google Scholar, Pak MediNet Crossref, Europub, WorldCat, IJIFACTOR, Dimensions, DRJI (Directory of Research Journals Indexing), MIAR (Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals), ROAD (Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources) & Reviewer Credits. Esculapio follows a double-blind peer review policy to enhance the quality of published literature. After initial assessment of the submitted manuscript by the editor, if the manuscript is found deficient, the author is informed and asked to fulfil the requirements within a week’s time and if approved by the editor then it is sent for peer review by external peer reviewer. Journal maintains a reviewers database according to their subject specialty as identified by the Editorial board. An average of two week’s time is given to reviewers for reviewing the manuscript. A single manuscript is sent to one reviewer at a time. Esculapio encourages its reviewers to follow COPE guidelines for peer reviewer. The article reviewed is sent back to author if corrections are advised after peer review. In case article is rejected by the reviewer, it is sent to another reviewer along with the comments from the initial reviewer. Final decision for the paper acceptance or rejection lies with the editor after reviewing the comments and the reviewers are informed about the final decision.
Published byServices Institute of Meical Sciences, Lahore
Year publication2005Frequency (Publish per Year)3
ISSN (print)2309-3080ISSN (online)2309-592X
Journal disciplineMedical SciencesFull text languageEnglish
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefProf. dr. Tayyiba Wasim
Abbreviated NameCountryPakistan
Journal is indexed byIMEMR, WHO (Index Medicus for Eastern Mediterranean Region, Pak MediNet, Crossref, Europub, WorldCat, IJIFACTOR, Dimensions, DRJI (Directory of Research Journals Indexing), SJIF (Scientific Journal Impact Factor), MIAR (Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals), ROAD (Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources) & Reviewer Credits, KINDCONGRESS, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC26 Feb 2023
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