Electronic Journal of New Materials, Energy and Environment

It aims to disseminate new approaches and ideas in Material Science, Environmental Analyses and Monitoring, Terrestrial Ecology, Atmospheric Chemistry, Interactions of Pollutants in the Environment, Assessment of Risks of Pollution, Sustainable Energy Systems, Green Energy and Technology, Chemical Energy Systems, Hydrogen Energy, Air Products and Chemicals and new effective technologies by which save energy, protecting the environment, and solving ecological problems. We emphasize some topics of interest as: processes in metallurgy; alloy phases and transformations; mechanical behavior of materials; physical chemistry; nano-materials and technologies; environment; welding and joining; surface treatment; electronic, magnetic and optical materials; solidification; materials processing; composite materials; biomaterials; bioelectrochemistry; fuel cells and biofuel cells; photoelectrochemistry; hydrogen production. The reviewing process continues 14 days, not more.
Year publication2015Frequency (Publish per Year)3
ISSN (print)-ISSN (online)2367-6868
Journal disciplineEngineering SciencesFull text languageEnglish
Journal Websitehttp://ejnmee.eu/
Editor in ChiefProf. Dimitar Kolev
Abbreviated NameEJNMEECountryBulgaria
Journal is indexed by-, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC30 Jun 2020
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