Ciência Rural

Ciência Rural (CR) is an existing journal since 1971 (then as Revista do Centro de Ciências Rurais. The average number of papers published each year is 360. The journal is published once a month. The papers are all in open access. Mission Publishes scientific papers, reviews and notes related to the area of Agricultural Sciences Editorial policy The purpose of Ciência Rural is to publish the results of original research, note and reviews which contribute significantly to knowledge in Agricultural Sciences. Preference will be given to original articles that develop news concepts or experimental approaches and are not merely repositories of scientific data. The decison of acceptance for publication lies with the Editors and is based on the recommendations of Editorial Comission, Area Committee and/ or ad hoc reviewers.
Published byUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
Year publication1991Frequency (Publish per Year)12
ISSN (print)0103-8478ISSN (online)1678-4596
Journal disciplineAgricultural SciencesFull text languagePotuguese, English
Journal or
Editor in ChiefRudi Weiblen and Leandro Sousa da Silva
Abbreviated NameCienc. RuralCountryBrazil
Journal is indexed byScielo, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC08 Jun 2020
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