CASUS is an instrument of dissemination of scientific work carried out by the academic community of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Catholic University Sedes Sapientiae (UCSS). The journal is refereed by external academic peers and open access. Its objective is to disseminate and promote the results of research under the focus that the human person has as center and purpose. In it, original and unpublished articles of a scientific nature related to the various health specialties are published. The Journal publishes articles that present promotional, preventive and intervention approaches in health; to investigate the health of the population, its determinants and inequities; that inquire into health systems or investigate health policies. In the same way, the Journal seeks to give relevance to case reports.
Published byUniversidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae
Year publication2016Frequency (Publish per Year)3
ISSN (print)2519-0652ISSN (online)2519-9110
Journal disciplineHealth SciencesFull text languageSpanish
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefDr. Yordanis Enríquez Canto
Abbreviated Name-CountryPeru
Journal is indexed byLatindex; ICI World of Journals; PKP Index; Dialne, Redib, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC08 Jun 2020
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