Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease (APJTD) is administrated by Hainan Medical University and sponsored by Asian Pacific Tropical Medicine Press, which aims to establish an international academic communicating platform for researchers of tropical medicine and public health workers, especially those of the Asian Pacific region and worldwide specialists and scholars on tropical disease research to prevent and control the prevalence of global tropical disease. APJTD is an international academic journal and is distributed worldwide. The journal first reports the latest prevalent disease in the world, such as avian influenza (H5N1, H5N2, H5N8, and H7N9), Ebola virus disease and MERS; pharmaceutical research of resistance to epidemiology, such as research of artemisinin against malaria; meanwhile, Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis), dengue, helminths, African trypanosomiasis, leishmaniasis, leprosy (Hansen's disease), lymphatic filariasis, malaria, onchocerciasis (river blindness), schistosomiasis (snail fever), sexually transmitted infections, TB/HIV coinfection, Tuberculosis, hookworm, trichuriasis, treponematoses, Buruli ulcer, human African trypanosomiasis, dracunculiasis, leptospirosis, strongyloidiasis, foodborne trematodiases, Neurocysticercosis, scabies, flavivirus infection, Ebola hemorrhagic fever, Lassa fever, Marburg fever, yellow fever, encephalitis, West Nile virus, Ross River virus, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, cat-scratch disease, Q-fever, typhus, cryptosporidiosis, cholera, dysentery, enzootic hepatitis, typhoid fever, trichinosis, hydatid, avian influenza, influenza, polio, SARS, kala azar, plague, tsutsugamushi, babesiasis, Lyme disease, African meningitis, red tide, epidemic polyarthritis, amebiasis, giardiasis, tropical ulcer, rabies, Hanta virus, cutaneous larva migrans, myasis, tungiasis, etc. are the main content of the journal. Our research scope includes all aspects of infectious diseases (bacterial, viral, parasitic, fungal, etc.), nutritional and deficiency diseases and venom studies.
Published byAsian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease Editorial Office
Year publication2011Frequency (Publish per Year)12
ISSN (print)2222-1808ISSN (online)-
Journal disciplineMedical SciencesFull text languageEnglish
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefJeffrey M. Bethony, Santiago Mas-Coma, Jong-Yil Chai, Leonard Ernest Gustavin Mboera
Abbreviated NameAsian Pac J Trop DisCountryChina
Journal is indexed byCambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA), Embase (EM), Zoological Record (ZR), Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI), Global Health, Index Copernicus (IC), Ulrich's Periodicals Directory (UPD), Chemical Abstracts (CA), InfoBase., KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC27 May 2020
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