African Journal of Biological Sciences

African Journal of Biological Sciences is an International peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of Biological Sciences. It operates a fully open access publishing model which allows open global access to its published content. Its scope embraces Animal Sciences, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Botany, Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Ecology, Environmental Sciences, Ethno Medicine, Food Science, Freshwater Biology, Genetics, Immunology, Marine Biology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Physiology, Plant Sciences, Structural Biology,Toxicology,Zoology etc.
Published byAfrican Science Publications
Year publication2019Frequency (Publish per Year)4
ISSN (print)-ISSN (online)2663-2187
Journal disciplineBiological SciencesFull text languageEnglish
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefDr. Eugene A. Silow
Abbreviated NameAFJBSCountrySouth Africa
Journal is indexed by, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC02 Feb 2023
  1. Khemmoudj kaddour

    I send for you m’y fée 180 dollars
    Please confirme me you reçeived by publication of article

  2. Khemmoudj kaddour

    I send for you 180 dollars
    Please confirme me you received the money

  3. Kind Congress

    Dear Khemmoudj Kaddour

    As a media partner KC has no role in Journal details, Please write directly to journal office.

  4. Professor: Reda Ahmed Nofal

    until now my article is not appearing in web site of journal why?
    as will as always the reply is late?

    1. Kind Congress

      Dear Reda
      Greetings from KC
      As a media partner KC has no role in Journal details, Please write directly to the journal office.

      Kind regards,
      The KC

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