Security & Safety

November 13, 2024
Frigate Conferences takes immense pleasure & feels honored in inviting contributors from across the globe to the “3rd Edition of International Conference on Occupational Health & Safety (Occupational Health 2024)’’ to be held during November 13-14, 2024 in Amsterdam, Netherlands,...
December 11, 2024
Join us for the Global Blockchain Show, a premier conference that unites industry leaders, developers, and blockchain enthusiasts from around the world. Taking place in the vibrant city of Dubai on 11-12 December 2024, this event will delve into the...
December 19, 2024
It gives me immense pleasure to inform you that “Safe & Sustainable Hospitals” (SASH 2024) is scheduled to be held during 19th – 21st December 2024 at New Delhi. The theme of the SASH 2024 is aptly chosen to be “Re-imagining Care:...
April 22, 2025
Frigate Conferences takes immense pleasure & feels honored in inviting contributors from across the globe to the “2nd International Conference on Occupational Health & Public Safety (Occupational Health 2025)’’ to be held during April 22-24, 2025 in Paris, France, on...