Join us for the “8th Global Meeting on Oncology and Radiology”, scheduled to be held in Dubai, UAE, on December 10-11, 2024. This event will revolve around the theme.”Emerging Trends in Interventional Radiology for Cancer Treatment” spotlighting the latest advancements and ongoing research in the field. Radiology and Oncology 2024 aims to unite global experts and stakeholders in oncology and radiology to advance scientific knowledge, share best practices, and foster collaborations that ultimately benefit cancer patients worldwide. Attendees can anticipate engaging presentations by scientists and researchers, showcasing cutting-edge research and fostering collaboration. These conferences serve as vibrant platforms for the exchange of knowledge, networking opportunities, and the promotion of collaborative efforts aimed at cancer imaging, diagnosis, and treatment.
Track 1:Carcinogenesis&Cancer Cell Biology
Track 2:Biopsy in Cancer Diagnosis:
Track 3:Clinical oncology& Radiation oncology
Track 4:Interventional radiology (IR)
Track 5:Radiopharmaceuticals & Pharmacokinetics
Track 6:Therapeutic Targeting of Cancer
Track 7:Nanotechnology in Cancer Treatment
Track 8:Advanced Oncology & Radiology Techniques
Track 9:Leukemia/Blood cancer
Track 10:Stem Cell Transplantation (Bone Marrow Transplantation)
Track 11:Breast carcinoma/Breast cancer
Track 12:Precision Oncology and Disparities (Implementation and Discovery)
Track 13:Cancer Cell Signaling
Track 14:Cancer Metabolism
Track 15:Clinical case studies and reports