Plant Varieties Studying and Protection

“Plant Varieties Studying and Protection” Journal of Applied Research is scientific research publishing of Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination, Plant Breeding & Genetics Institute, National Center of Seeds and Cultivar Investigation of NAAS, Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, National Academy of Sciences Of Ukraine, which are its co-founder. It is inacceptable for the publisher to break the established terms of publication and release of any issue of the Journal out-of-term. Periodicity period for 2016 is four times a year (1 times per quarter). The Journal is registered in International Standard Serial Number. ISSN − 2518-1017. Distribution: domestic, foreign. According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No 515 of May 16, 2016 "On approving the decisions of the Attestation Board of the Ministry on specialized academic councils activity of May 12, 2016" (Annex 12 to the order,( ), the journal "Plant variety studying and protection" is registered in the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine in which results of theses research for obtaining a Ph.D. degree (Agriculture and Biology) can be published. The Journal is open for free access by the V.I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine ( ) The Journal publishes the articles the Ukrainian, English and Russian languages. The Journal is published based on the decision of the Academic Council of Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination. Editorial Board of the Journal includes 36 Doctors of Science including 13 foreign members. The Journal has own web-site Subscription order of Plant Varieties Studying and Protection Journal can be made at Post Office of Ukraine. Ukrainian subscription index of the print version – 89273.
Published byUkrainian, English and Russian languages
Year publication2005Frequency (Publish per Year)4
ISSN (print)2518-1017ISSN (online)2518-7457
Journal disciplineAgricultural SciencesFull text languageUkrainian, English and Russian languages
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefVolodymyr V. Morgun
Abbreviated NameCountryUkraine
Journal is indexed byUlrich’s Periodicals Directory / Ulrichsweb (USA) • Google Scholar • Russian Index of Science Citation (RISC, e-library, РИНЦ, Russia) • Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine (IDLIS, ІРБІС, Ukraine), KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC27 May 2020
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