Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences

Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences(SJAMS) is an international, Bi-monthly open access, peer reviewed journal published by Scholars Academic and Scientific Publishers (SAS Publisher) This journal publishes research articles, reviews, Case Reports and short communication within the whole field All types of Medical Sciences including Modern Medicine (Allophatic), Ayurvedic or Traditional Medicine, Yoga, Naturopath, Homeopathy etc with the objective to explore the information on the latest trends, developments and happenings, cases in the field of medical sciences.
Published byScholars Academic and Scientific Publishers
Year publication2012Frequency (Publish per Year)6
ISSN (print)2347-954XISSN (online)2320-6691
Journal disciplineMedical SciencesFull text languageEnglish
Journal Website
Editor in Chief Dr. Gan Siew Hua
Abbreviated NameSJAMSCountryIndia
Journal is indexed byGoogle Scholar, Index Copernicus, CAB International, CABI (UK), UCSF Library, Advanced Science Index, Journal Seek, Get-Cited, Library Directory (USA), Science Central, , Scholarly Open Access, , Indian Citation Index, Journal Index.Net, Cite Factor, Scientific Indexing Services (SIS),, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC20 May 2020
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