Odes’kyi Politechnichnyi Universytet. Pratsi

Since 1996 the Odessa National Polytechnic University has published the collected papers "Odessa Polytechnic University: Researches" (journal), since 2010 - under the title “Odes’kyi Politechnichnyi Universitet. Pratsi”. Papers presented are containing new results of theoretical, experimental, and applied researches. They should be topical and original, outline high scientific priority tasks, represent key results of the author’s research and conclusions. The “Odes’kyi Politechnichnyi Universitet. Pratsi” journal material is devoted to the following fields of knowledge: Machine building. Process metallurgy. Materials science; Energetics. Heat engineering. Electrical engineering; Computer and information networks and systems. Manufacturing automation; Electronics. Radio engineering. Telecommunication facilities; Problems of basic and applied sciences; Chemistry. Chemical engineering.
Published byOdessa National Polytechnic University
Year publication1996Frequency (Publish per Year)2
ISSN (print)2076-2429ISSN (online)2223-3814
Journal disciplineEngineering SciencesFull text languageUkrainian, English, Russian
Journal Websitehttp://www.pratsi.opu.ua
Editor in ChiefGennady A. OBORSKY
Abbreviated NameCountryUkraine
Journal is indexed byEBSCO, IndexCopernicus, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC19 May 2020
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