Nanochemistry Research

Nanochemistry Research (Abbreviation: Nanochem Res) is non-profit, open access, peer-reviewed journal by Iranian Chemical Society. NCR is issued biannually in print and electronic forms disseminating recent experimental and theoretical research across the breadth of nanochemistry. Manuscript types include original research articles, review papers, communications, case reports, and letters to the editor. All available content and materials on NCR are available for free under a Creative Commons license CC-BY 4.0.
Published byIranian Chemical Society
Year publication2016Frequency (Publish per Year)2
ISSN (print)-ISSN (online)2423-818X
Journal disciplineCultural StudiesСhemical SciencesFull text languageEnglish
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefProf. Ali Morsali
Abbreviated NameNanochem ResCountryIran, Islamic Republic Of
Journal is indexed by, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC18 May 2020
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