Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan (Media of Health Research and Development)

Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan (Media of Health Research and Development) is one of the journals published by the Agency for Health Research and Development ( National Institute of Health Research and Development ) , Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. This journal article is a form of research results , research reports and assessments / reviews related to the efforts of health in Indonesia . Media Research and Development of Health published 4 times a year and has been accredited Indonesian Institute of Sciences ( LIPI ) by Decree No. 396/AU2/P2MI/04/2012 . This journal was first published in March 1991. Media of Health Research and Development currently has been registered on the sites: Indonesian Scientific Journal Database; Indonesian Publication Index; Directory of Research Journals Indexing; getCITED; Directory of Open Access Journals; Google Scholar; Open Academic Journals Index; International Society of Universal Research in Sciences; Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE); JournalTOCs; and Citefactor. Media of Health Research and Development is being reviewed by Universal Impact Factor. See Google Scholar Profile for Media Health Research and Development by clicking here. Total Citations : 171 Total Documents : 607 h-index : 5 i10-index 1 Impact Factor : 0,282
Published byBadan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan (National Institute of Health Research and Development)
Year publication1991Frequency (Publish per Year)4
ISSN (print)0853-9987ISSN (online)2338-3445
Journal disciplineCultural StudiesFull text languageIndonesian, English
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefM. Sudomo
Abbreviated NameMPKCountryIndonesia
Journal is indexed byDOAJ; Google Scholar; Bielefeld Academic Search Engine; Indonesian Publication Index; JournalTOCs;, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC18 May 2020
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