Academic Journal of Economic Studies

Academic Journal of Economic Studies is an academic publication in Romania, edited by “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University in Bucharest. The Academic Journal of Economic Studies wants to become an important journal that publishes high quality original studies disseminates economic results of scientific research in economics from academic and business world. The journal focuses on promoting research worldwide, encouraging international dialogue and supports the exchange of ideas between researchers across the academic and business world. The Academic Journal of Economic Studies is an open access journal and is a valuable scientific resource; published articles are available online without restriction to researchers, practitioners, students and other categories of users. The journal’s frequency is quarterly. Month’s appearance will be: March, June, September and December. The journal encourages the submission of interdisciplinary studies, international empirical research and comparative analysis. Articles are accepted for publication after a rigorous, anonymous and impartial evaluation of each article separately by specialized scientific reviewers. The journal publishes original theoretical and empirical studies only of high quality and general interest in the following thematic areas not limited only to: accounting, auditing, controlling, finance, management, marketing, financial analysis, tourism, statistics, and other economic domains.
Published byEditura Universitara
Year publication2015Frequency (Publish per Year)4
ISSN (print)2393-4913ISSN (online)2393-4933
Journal disciplineEconomic SciencesFull text languageEnglish
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefDr. Sorinel Capusneanu
Abbreviated NameAJESCountryRomania
Journal is indexed byRePEc, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC17 May 2020
1 Comment
  1. Rolle

    Please how can I forward my paper to your journal ?

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