Artificial Intelligence and Structured Data: Driving Process Efficiency for Medical Device Manufacturers

Since the advent of artificial intelligence (AI), medical device manufacturers have been early adopters for product enhancements. Now, manufacturers are evaluating their regulated content and other production processes for suitable applications of AI and automation technology.

Moreover, while AI offers unprecedented opportunities for increased efficiency, accuracy and quality, it also requires a strong foundation of structured data and an awareness of global regulatory requirements. In this webinar, the expert speaker will discuss the importance of clinical and other data for effective AI development, as well as how some device makers are already employing machine learning and structured content to optimize process efficiency.

The highlights of this webinar include tangible benefits of AI-driven processes from real-world case study examples, key learnings from implementation and considerations for ensuring compliance. The speaker will also discuss the current challenges and opportunities, along with future trends, in the application of AI and other process automation technologies for regulated medical device content.

Join this webinar for an engaging discussion and to gain actionable insights into how to strategically implement AI and structured data to drive process automation.

Keywords: Medical Device, Data Analytics, Regulatory, Medical Device Regulation, Marketing, Data Management, Medical Device Development, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Data Science

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