International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

The IJ-ARPED (ISSN: 2226-6348) is an interdisciplinary open access blind peer-reviewed refereed journal published by Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (HRMARS) that publishes significant original researches regarding different fields of Education and Research. IJ-ARPED publishes four issues per year. By providing easy access to the insights of education and research, case studies and researches, IJARPED aims to extend and supplement the knowledge of scholarly world. Education is used to shape up character and morale of society and it has influential effect over the thoughts, characters, and physical abilities of individuals. The major goal of this journal is to provide a platform where scholars, academicians, professors, intellectuals, researchers, teachers, and students can share their valued work and creative knowledge and information can be shared as well. Moreover the great heap of knowledge, values, skills, and creative thoughts can be transmitted from one generation to other. This journal covers huge mass of glaring topics which includes child development, curriculum, reading comprehension, philosophies of education and educational approaches, and others. Broad topics coverd by IJARPED are Child development Curriculum Reading comprehension Philosophies of education Educational approaches Formal education, such as higher education, adult education, indigenous education, etc. Educational Theory Educational Development Psychology education Sociology education Teaching Education history Education science
Published byHuman Resource Management Academic Research Society
Year publication2011Frequency (Publish per Year)4
ISSN (print)2312-1319ISSN (online)2226-6348
Journal disciplinePedagogical SciencesFull text languageEnglish
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefProfessor Dr. Aslam Adeeb
Abbreviated NameIJARPEDCountryPakistan
Journal is indexed byUlrichWeb (Global Serial Directory), USA Cabell's Directories, USA Electronic Journal Library, Germany (EZB) The University of North Carolina, GREENSBORO (Journal Finder) Faulkner University (Nichols Library) Z. SMITH REYNOLDS LIBRARY (Wake Forest University) Germany BUH Bibliothekssystem Universität Hamburg Max Perutz Library Indiana University Bloomington, Libraries Southren Virginia University, Library Resources (Journal Finder) Brown University Library Gale | Cengage Learning Global Impact F, KINDCONGRESS, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC04 Mar 2023
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