Archivi delle emozioni

The title 'Archivi delle emozioni' wishes to address the historical dimension of the affective components of human life. It is exactly this dimension that this Journal wants to examine, focusing on its artistic, literary and cultural expressions at large, from the most remote antiquity to present times. The Journal's title implies an open and dynamic idea of archive: on the one hand, in fact, emotions are 'archived' in artistic expressions and in objects, which function like the fossils of human experience, of human cognitive modalities and social practices. But, on the other hand, emotions are also re-enacted and re-experienced every time that we establish a relationship with products of art and material culture, communicating and interacting with them. This Journal is interested in the expressions and meanings of the emotional interaction between art, literature, and objects of material and archaeological culture on the one hand, and those, like scholars themselves, who are personally involved in the emotional atmospheres that art and culture evoke or create. Therefore, we intend to reproduce emotions and their contexts through the analysis of their artistic, verbal and non-verbal, representations. But we also want to interrogate ourselves about the physiological mechanisms of the emotional reactions stimulated by art, literature, language, and by any outcome of human culture. At the basis of our research there is, consequently, the awareness, typical to the twentieth century, that hermeneutics can no longer be considered separated from life and from life sciences. Nor can knowledge (even knowledge of ourselves) be considered split from the body and from its ways of feeling.
Published byEdizioni di Pagina
Year publication2020Frequency (Publish per Year)2
ISSN (print)-ISSN (online)2723-925X
Journal disciplineHumanitiesFull text languageEnglish, Italiano
Journal Website
Editor in ChiefSotera Fornaro
Abbreviated NameCountryItaly
Journal is indexed byKINDCONGRESS, KindCongress
Impact FactorDate added to KC08 Feb 2023
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